How to age test yourself

1.  Your skin is replaced faster than any organ in your body and it will show progress fast.
Place one hand palm down on a table.  With the forefinger and thumb of the other hand, take a large pinch of skin from the back of your hand.  Hold the skin firmly for five seconds then release; count the number of seconds it takes for the skin to return to normal.

Seconds                                              Body age
Under 2                                                    19
2 - 4                                                         30
5 - 6                                                         40
7 - 8                                                         45
9 - 10                                                        50
11 - 12                                                      60

2,  Resting heart-rate test
Take your pulse by feeling the large artery in your neck or your outer wrist. Count the number of beats in 20 seconds.  Repeat until you have a reliable average; bear in mind that cigarettes and alcohol lift this by 8-10 beats per minute. Multiply by three to get your per minute rate.
Heart Rate per min.                                        Body Age
Under 60                                                           19
63                                                                     20
64                                                                     22
65                                                                     25
66                                                                     27
67                                                                     30
68                                                                     33
69                                                                     35
70                                                                     37
71                                                                     39
72                                                                     43
73                                                                     45
74                                                                     50
75                                                                     55
76                                                                     60
77                                                                     65
78                                                                     70
79                                                                     75
80                                                                     80 *
81                                                                     85 *
82                                                                     90 *
83                                                                     95 *
85                                                                     100 *

Average the two test results to get an indication of your biological age. Now compare it with your chronological age!

Our promise:  Take your resting pulse and write it down on your calender.  Take In-Sync Minerals regularly for two months (a full bottle).  Redo the test.  If you are not impressed with the improvement, we are happy to send you another two months supply free..