the intelligent supplement

The importance of minerals,

Put simply we aren't getting enough minerals in today’s modern diets, even when we're eating a nutrient rich, whole food diet. The depletion of these nutrients is mainly due to mineral depleted soils (acid rain) and stripping by commercial food processing.

In-Sync colloidal minerals provides you with a larger variety of minerals than any other brand.  Most colloidal minerals contain 30,000-64,000 milligrams per litre of dissolved solids. Our brand  provides you with a concentrated product, with over 90,000 milligrams per litre of dissolved solids.  On top of this, our kelp sea mineral is in 4x concentrate form, making it uniquely more powerful than most.  To minimise your biological excitement, you might take after a meal or at least with a good glass of water.

100% natural and organic
Our suppliers guarantee to never use heat or chemicals in any process of manufacturing the minerals. And unlike other suppliers, we add no additives, colours or flavours to enhance our products.

Organic Shale and Kelp extract contains
over 80 trace minerals and 14 naturally occurring vitamins. All natural trace elements that have been and in some cases, still are present in our nutritional environment. Four and a half million years of evolution says that we probably have made use of each and every one of these core health nutrients.



In-Sync Minerals Original - Sleep better, work easier & laugh more! click here



Nature's Power. The Importance Of Minerals In A Healthy Diet click here