Children’s Health


While our future depends on them and we as parents, become pretty much instantly devoted, it never ceases to amaze that we do this with out the benefit of experience based common sense training.   In the days of the extended family, there were usually more experienced members of the immediate family on hand to offer assistance when help was needed.  This is less and less the case today.  We fear that the reason why this is not offered, is that few have the confidence to even offer help.

Today, most of us live in a world that is very different.  A single parent trying to do the job of two which makes it doubly more difficult.   Either way, there is increased stress.  Sure it is rewarded by the love received but not always, as it evident from watching stressed parents dealing with stressed children, and taking note of the increased incidence of behavioral  issues that have names like ADHD, autism, dyslexia, downs syndrome and goodness knows how many allergies..  Scary!

Where are we going with this discussion, you might ask?  We are not going to get into the debate of whether these problems are increasing.  We think it is but that is hardly the point.  We are not going to get into the debate as to whether In-Sync Minerals or similar building block supplement taken during pregnancy or given to the child after birth, would help, although we absolutely do.. 

Our point is that once a parent is aware that it just might be possible to make a difference, to improve the outcome for the child and the stress of those caring for it, and to NOT take these small inexpensive steps, is quite simply silly.

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Vegetarian Diet


Depression, PTSD & Addiction